Brittonfield - East Syracuse, NY

5008 Brittonfield Parkway
East Syracuse, NY 13057

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Our 65,000sf headquarters houses HOA’s main administrative offices and a state-of-the-art, comprehensive cancer center which offers both outpatient treatments and support services including: chemotherapy and radiation (including the CyberKnife, the most accurate radiosurgery weapon in the world); ambulatory infusion; laboratory services; clinical research; a physician office pharmacy; a boutique that offers products to minimize the physical symptoms of cancer; patient and family counseling and support services; dietary assessment and nutritional counseling; community referrals, community educational programs; and complementary therapies such as Reiki, acupuncture and massage.

We are co-located with Medical Imaging Centers of Central New York, which is an advanced, full-service imaging center that offers PET and CT scanning.